Petrie Terrace State School is an inner city school that enjoys an exceptionally strong sense of community and engagement. Our academic performance is consistently high and in recent years have become the school of choice for our local families. We adopt an inclusive, student centred philosophy of learning which we believe is best practice in educational choice for elementary age students.
Our school thrives on the empowerment of community spirit and engagement, focused on the mutual care and concern for our children. Leadership and participation is acknowledged in all aspects of school culture. Student leadership and student voice is an historically valued part of our school culture.
In this environment, our students seek to be mindful and respectful of themselves as unique and valued individuals, while being constantly aware of and sensitive to the mutual needs of others and the world around them. The importance of celebration as a crucial and natural consequence of effort in all its forms, is embraced and actualised throughout the school culture. We truly have much to celebrate as a school and community.
I therefore invite you to participate in all aspects of our school curriculum, in our teaching programs, class activities, special events, school celebrations, Parents and Citizens' Association activities and initiatives.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss any aspect of our school or your child's wellbeing. I look forward to working with all families over the course of a child's primary schooling, continuing always to develop strong professional relationships.
Kay Bradley