Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
At Petrie Terrace State School we aim to create a learning community where all participants, students, families and staff experience a sense of belonging and responsibility to self, others and place. We work hard at establishing a culture that embeds clear expectations, restorative justice and positive relationships in our everyday practice.
Natural consequences and logical explanations that place relationships at the core of rules and expectations are our priority. In so doing we create a sense of ordered calm where students, families and staff are able to maximise our capacity to provide excellence in learning and teaching.
Peer Connect Program: Mindfulness, Visible Thinking and Kitchen Garden Program
This program runs for three terms a year and involves vertical grouping of the whole school. Older students teach and mentor a multi-age group of younger children, for a 30-minute lesson every week.
Every student in year 6 undertakes training to become a Peer Connect Leader.
With assistance from their teachers, these group leaders plan activities to teach their younger peers aspects of our Mindup (mindfulness program) Kitchen Gardens and Visible Thinking programs.